
Are you an established translator or interpreter looking to take your business to the next level? 你是永利登录网址在这里的原因!

下一个级别 supports translators and interpreters with five or more years of experience as they seek to achieve their business goals. We provide information for both freelancers and company owners to use in all aspects of their careers, from improving their privacy protections to planning for retirement.

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Getting Your Freelance Business Ready for a Summer Slowdown

By 下一个级别 | 2024年6月26日
Getting Your Freelance Business Ready for a Summer Slowdown

This post is a reblog, originally published in the Slator Tool Box. 本文经作者许可在此转载. 我的翻译客户主要来自欧洲, so my project flow tends to slow down quite a bit in July and August every year. Europeans, it turns out, take their summer breaks much more seriously than Americans. 决策者不在办公室, only the most urgent translation projects are sent out while ongoing work is put on hold. I appreciate the flexibility this reduced project volume brings, but have learned that I need to include the associated income…


理解工人分类:ABC测试, 错误分类, and Tips for Professionalizing Your Language Services Business

By 下一个级别 | 2023年9月20日
了解工人分类ABC测试, 错误分类, and Tips for Professionalizing Your Language Services Business

免责声明:本文仅供教育用途. Consult a reputable professional for financial, legal, and tax advice related to your situation. Translators, 翻译s, and Worker Classification: Why Now? Translators and interpreters have existed ever since humans have spoken and written. The first recorded proof of language interpretation dates back to Ancient Egypt in 3000 B.C.E. 如果翻译和口译员…


How to Make More Money Fast – the 80/20 Principle for Freelance Translators

By 下一个级别 | 2023年8月9日
How to Make More Money Fast – the 80/20 Principle for Freelance Translators

This post is a reblog, originally published on Marketing Tips for Translators. 经作者许可转载. Do You Know the Easiest Way to Make More Money Right Now, With the Least Effort? I often listen to audiobooks through Audible on my phone when walking the dog, 在车里锻炼或开车. 我最近开始听……



By 下一个级别 | 2023年6月28日

This post is a reblog, originally published on Tip of the Tongue. 本文经作者许可转载. The question of when a price proposal is too high is quite complex. Last week, I submitted a bid for a specialized service to an experienced professional. In my proposal, I took into account my investments in terms of time…



By 下一个级别 | 2023年6月14日

I may be wrong, but scam activities seem to be inversely proportional to the economic cycle. Whenever there is the threat of an economic downturn, there seems to be an uptick in scam activities. At least that’s what I have noticed in my own business and in my capacity as webmaster of the Northern California Translators Association (NCTA). 因此,我…



By 下一个级别 | 2023年5月24日

This post is a reblog, originally published on Productivity Stacks. 本文经作者许可转载. Do you often feel like your business is running you instead of the other way around? Do you wonder why you constantly feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? 这是你弄清楚自己时间在哪里的机会……


5 Tedious Non-Translation Tasks ChatGPT Can Do Amazingly Well

By 下一个级别 | 2023年5月10日
5 Tedious Non-Translation Tasks ChatGPT Can Do Amazingly Well

Odds are you’ve heard the hype around the futuristic artificial intelligence-based tool currently taking the world by storm. 但是它到底是什么,它能为翻译人员做什么呢? 答案可能会让你大吃一惊. 什么是ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) designed and developed by OpenAI to generate human-like responses to prompts. 法学硕士是一种……



By 下一个级别 | 2023年4月19日

This post is a reblog, originally published in the Tool Box Journal on September 16, 2022. 本文经作者许可转载. Large work projects can be a boon and a bane for a freelance business. It’s exciting to have a large chunk of income to look forward to, but accommodating parallel work volumes from other clients can…


Get More Done as a Freelance Translator – How to Plan Your Work and Become More Productive

By 下一个级别 | 2023年3月15日
Get More Done as a Freelance Translator How to Plan Your Work and Become More Productive

This post is a reblog, originally published on Marketing Tips for Translators. 本文经作者许可再版. Scheduling and planning are fundamentally important things to consider if you hope to build an effective freelance career. 在任何领域,时间管理都是至关重要的. If you are a freelance translator, your productivity – and therefore your…



By 下一个级别 | 2023年2月15日

You have been freelancing as a translator for a few years now, 你已经适应了一个很好的节奏. You have some steady clients and are feeling confident in your abilities. You start to wonder: should I be starting my own translation agency? 这是下一步吗? You might notice colleagues going this route: incorporating as a business,…



By 下一个级别 | 2023年1月25日

This post is a reblog, originally published on Carlie Sitzman’s blog. 本文经作者许可再版. 当他们冒险进入未知的互联网领域时, some language learners may become overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of offerings out there. 什么工作? 什么不? Where am I likely to run into personages with dubious motives? 本周,…
